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iHire is A+ Rated and Accredited by the BBB – Here’s Why

iHire is A+ rated and accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) – two qualifications that we take very seriously. Read on to find out what that means, why it matters, and what we do to continually meet the BBB’s standards.


What is the BBB?

The BBB is a nonprofit organization with a mission to create “an ethical marketplace where buyers and sellers trust each other.” To achieve this, they’ve created and continue to maintain Standards for Trust with eight principles for businesses to follow, actively engage with consumers and companies, identify and celebrate market role models, and address substandard behavior.


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What does BBB accreditation mean?

By meeting the eight principles mentioned above (Standards of Trust), iHire is accredited by the BBB. We demonstrate “a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints.” The standards include:

Build Trust

Advertise Honestly

Tell the Truth

Be Transparent

Honor Promises

Be Responsive

Safeguard Privacy

Embody Integrity

Additionally, we pay a fee for accreditation review/monitoring and support of BBB services to the public.


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What does an A+ rating mean?

The BBB rating system scores businesses on a 100-point scale, and points are earned or lost based on 13 elements:

Complaint Volume (Weighted by Complaint Age)

Unanswered Complaints

Unresolved Complaints

Complaint Resolution Delayed

Failure to Address Complaint Pattern

Type of Business

Time in Business

Transparent Business Practices

Failure to Honor Mediation/Arbitration

Competency Licensing

Government Action (Per Action)

Advertising Review (Per Incident)

BBB Trademark Infringement

iHire maintains a score between 97 and 100, giving us an A+. We’re proud to have been in business since 1999 and listed on the BBB since 2002. Promptly answering and resolving any complaints we receive and being transparent with our customers is a top priority for us. We stand by our promises and hold fast to our mission to help job seekers advance their careers and employers find the right the talent for their teams.


If you’re ready to partner with us in your job or candidate search, create your free account today. We look forward to welcoming you to the iHire community!

Natalie Winzer profile picture
by: Natalie Winzer
Originally Published: September 06, 2017

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